Considering a Welsh Collie?

Welsh Collies are highly intelligent working dogs. They can be seen working alongside shepherds who’ve herded flocks of sheep in the Welsh hills for many centuries.

Being highly prized can be attributed to the way they work sheep which differs from that of a Border Collie.

It is well known amongst shepherds that they don’t fix their eye directly on the flock rather, they work the sheep with a “loose eye”. This means that these dogs are highly observant with their rounding up technique and are acutely observant if the herd decides to wonder.

Due to their good looks, intelligence and their loyal and affectionate nature, Welsh Collies make ideal pets. Their loyal nature makes them easy to train and bond with their owners making them a popular choice.

When considering a working dog including Welsh Collies, you’d need to be prepared to make major time sacrifices. This is because not only Welsh Collies are high up on the energy scale but well as being very intelligent.

They demand a great deal of time and a degree of fitness from owners, every day.

Welsh Collies are much happier in a working environment because they are “true working dogs”. Border Collies make more suitable domestic pets for this reason.

Here are 8 considerations if you’re considering homing a Welsh Collie


Welsh Collies are medium-sized dogs. Many breeds are better suited for family pets, in fact, we would strongly advise that you consider a lower maintenance breed because of their energy and attention needs.

Not all breeds tolerate being roughly handled by a child, all Collies fall into this category and this. On occasions, this has lead to a negative reputation for these breeds.

It tends to be a general rule that well looked after dogs are tolerant of young children. This goes for larger breeds and their gentle reputation. Although they can be a bit clumsy this tends to be a solid reason for ownership.

Exercise Needs

Working dogs have an almost infinite amount of energy. Welsh Collies fall into this category and need to be kept busy mentally and physically to be truly happy. This balance of high-energy walks for long periods means that they’re characters are well-balanced. They are the perfect choice for people who lead active, outdoor lives and who like to have a companion at their side.

Easy to Train

Breeds like Welsh Collies are known to be highly intelligent. This generally means they are easier to train and learn new things quickly. Being a fast learner, however, means they are just as quick to pick up bad habits too. More time, persistence and patience is needed with other breeds though as they take more time to train.

Health of Breed

Some breeds are known to suffer from specific hereditary and congenital health issues. However, good breeding practice can have a positive effect on reducing the risk of your dog developing a genetic issue. Having said this, not all dogs develop a hereditary disorder during their lives. The risk of this is greatly increased if they are not bred responsibly.
We highly recommend that potential owners ask breeders about any genetic diseases that are known to affect a particular breed. In most cases, you can ask to see the results of DNA tests along with standard tests carried out on parent dogs before you make your purchase.


Like a lot of working dogs, certain breeds were bred to be independent thinkers. These breeds are so intelligent and disciplined that they are capable of doing their job on their own as and when required.

Many dogs have evolved to be highly intelligent with some breeds like the Welsh Collie, being more than capable of working for extremely long periods of time.

As we’ve outlined Border and Welsh Collies can be very demanding when it comes to the quantity of exercise and mental stimulation. Furthermore, just because a dog is extremely intelligent does not mean they are easy to live with. We cannot stress enough that a combination of exercise and stimulation makes their lives more balanced and contented around the home.

Highly intelligent dogs really excel in intelligence tests like obedience training. This demonstrates that they thrive on using their brains as well as being highly energetic. We always recommend checking out a breed’s intelligence and their specific energy needs before making your final decision so that your dog’s needs fit in well with your lifestyle.

Shedding and Grooming Their Coat

All dog breeds shed their fur and whether it’s hair or dander (dead skin). Some breeds malt more than others.

Owning a dog means having to put up with their hair being left around your house and sometimes, on your clothes. Some breeds shed fur all year round, whereas other breeds malt a couple of times a year when they shed the most. Other breeds shed their fur steadily throughout the year and blow their coats in the Spring and Autumn. Other breeds only shed a little fur despite what time of the year it is.

If you’re houseproud and it’s a big issue, then you should choose a ‘low shedding breed’ to make their life easier as there’s a lot ​of low shedding breeds.

Exe Valley Pets always advises you to check how much a breed sheds​ before making your final decision​. Most breeds are easy maintenance with grooming and may only need a weekly brush to keep their coats and skin in great condition. Some breeds need to be professionally groomed a few times a year to keep their coats in good condition.

Being Left Alone

Your dog may stress out when they are left on their own this includes short periods of time. Dogs can become destructive around the house which is their way of relieving the anxiety they may be experiencing and not necessarily because they are being naughty. A Welsh or Border Collie may fall into this category.

Some breeds are best suited to households where at least one person stays at home. These breeds are usually ones that have formed strong bonds with their families and are at greater risk of developing separation anxiety.

We always recommend that potential owners find out how tolerant a breed is being left on their own before making the final decision on which breed would best suit their current lifestyle and commitments. We also recommend that no dog should be left alone at home for more than 4 hours at a time.

Cost of Upkeep

Apart from buying your dog – unavoidable expenses need to be factored into owning and caring for them correctly. This includes the cost of vaccinations, neutering or spaying when the time comes.

Investing in a good quality collar, lead and coat if required, to wear during the coldest months. Apart from these, there’s pet insurance which should be considered in case your dog falls sick or picks up an injury.

Regular check-ups and annual boosters all contribute to expensive vet bills but are vital to help reduce the risk of dogs contracting any disease. We advise frequent visits to your local vet which helps catch any health issues earlier rather than later.

We always recommend that you feed them the best food to suit different stages of their lives and their activity level. This will ensure they stay healthy through to their golden years.